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Short Attitude Quotes In English | Attitude Status In English | Part 1

If you like, then it is not in the heart, if not in the mind. (Attitude Quotes)
The blood is still the same, neither change the grief nor the passion, let it be again, I have not given any status to Robb and Khob and Khof are still the same today.
Weapons are kept only for the sake of fear, for fear only the name is enough.
No matter how fast the wisdom is, it cannot be won without luck, Birbal, despite being very intelligent .. could never become a king. (Attitude Quotes)
Do not say anything to the world, do not salute anyone who does not believe in the conscience!
There will be many defects in me, but there is also a quality, I do not keep Rishta from anyone else. (Attitude Status in English)
If life is full then tell us we like denial, not wait…
You have come to life, but take care, we give 'life' but do not let 'go' !!
Banda must be right in his own eyes, the world is even sadder than God.
If you are going away, go through the sound, just remember this; The habit of looking back is not even here! (Attitude Status in English)