Attitude Quotes | Attitude Status In English | Part 3
Broken dreams and lost loved ones killed .. Otherwise Khushi herself used to come to teach us to smile. (Attitude Quotes)

I am not the luck of your destiny, who will go rain on you. You have to change your destiny to get me.

Those people also walk nowadays by changing the attitude .. which we had taught to keep it moving. (Attitude Quotes)

Nothing happens because of having an attitude, Smile wins the hearts of such two people.

Don't sit and watch me on the shore; If I want to understand then look down into the sea.

Even if we die, in that style .. in the way people also crave to live. (Attitude Status in English)

They kept on speaking, we kept listening, the answer was in the eyes, they kept searching in tongues.

I am gulam of the rites of my house, otherwise, I keep honouring people to show their status. (Attitude Status in English)

Quit, but victory is my stubbornness, and I am the king of stubbornness.

You will be a piece of the moon, but I am also a piece of my father's jigger. 

Short Attitude Quotes In English | Attitude Status In English | Part 1

Attitude Quotes In English | Attitude Status In English | Part 2